This unsigned Blanes painting, which represents a country scene, is narrated by books such as: El ombú by Guillermo Enrique Hudson; Rebencasos (Whiplashes), by Rosales, El Arriador, with vignettes by the author; Fogoneros, by Simplicio Bobadilla, with a cover by Julio E. Suárez “Peloduro”; Hombres, tierras y ganado, whose cover was designed by Luis Camnitzer; Trasfoguero, by Miguel Ángel García, or Potros, toros y aperiases by Javier de Viana, published in Montevideo in 1922 by Claudio García Editor.

El rodeo (The Roundup), 2012-2018
Selection of Nativist books
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Photo: Rafael Lejtreger